[Home] [About the project] [Invasive species] [What to do] [Results] [Page 2]
All schools that take part are asked to print and fill in this form and post it to us.
Town/ Villiage:______________ School:_______________ Class:_____ Class Teacher:_______________
Date of fieldwork:___________
Give names or numbers to any subdivided areas and indicate whether you found any invasive plants.
Himalayan Balsam found?

Make a sketch map below of the whole area surveyed giving a 6 fig grid reference for your school and at least 2 other locations in the total area, e,g, a church or pond (see e.g.)

If you found any Knotweed or Himalayan Balsam, fill in a page 2 for every stand found
Then post everything to:
Janet Moseley
Secondary Schools' Biodiversity Project
National Botanic Garden of Wales,
Middleton Hall, Llanarthne,
Carmarthenshire SA32 8HG